what if i am really eternity when it's ready to go 「色堂」 「黑帮大佬与我的365天第二部」 live like 「china18一19 第一次」 最后完全被eleanor进入门后化成点落在人身上 而给micheal信感动 →或许所谓命运就是我们吧 最后一集真的dope 老实说前面就是觉得好看 但还没到完全touch 但最后一集真哭爆了 而真的也是前面的累积 才会有最后一集的感慨 努力的不死 努力的进入good place 最终我们仍会自愿回到宇宙 我们都只是万物循环的一份子
You see us as you want to see us, a sporto, a criminal, a priciness, a nerd, and a freak, yet we’re not just what you see. We’re quite aware of what we‘re going through, the desire to be seen and admitted, to get rid of toxic relationships with families and friends. The Breakfast Club is a journey to identify who we truly are.